WWII Saigon Jolly Rodger ... | |
WWII Saigon Jolly Rodger B-24 Long Range Bombing Navigator Named Map WW2 Relic - Sold on eBay Feb, 12th 2020 for $1,100.00 | |
WWII Saigon Jolly Rodger B-24 Long Range Bombing Navigator Named Map WW2 Relic
The Jolly Rogers - 5th Airforce - 90th Bomb Group - Heavy OKINAWA LONG RANGE BOMBING MAP! *The group attacked enemyairfields troop concentrations, ground installations and shipping in New Guinea, theBismarck Archipelago Palauand the southern Philippines. The group was awarded aDistinguished Unit Citationfor operations in Papua During 1944, the 90th supported the New Guinea Campaign through the end of June as well as thePhilippines... | |